by Dave Williams

“Good things do not come cheaply” (Dr. Robert L Mounts). For a number years God had been working in the hearts of many in and around Dalton. He had placed in our hearts the Idea that something was missing from our lives. Sure, we went to church and did all things we were suppose to be doing according the standard or traditions of the day, but still there was something that did not seem quite right for a good number of folks who attended the hurch. We didn’t know, but God was preparing the people to bring about change into the spiritual fabric of a Baptist Church.
In 1972 longtime minister, Dr. E. C, Sheehan, resigned as our pastor, and by the fall of that year more than just the color of the leaves began to change. Dr. Robert L. Mounts began his term as pastor on August 13, 1972, and from his very first message many knew there was something different. There was a marked contrast between his teaching and what we had been accustomed to at church and other Baptist Churches. As He opened the Word of God, the Holy Spirit began to open our eyes to the truths we had missed all of our lives. Slowly, our hearts were moved as he taught what is called the “Doctrines of Grace.” When he completed the series on the “Attributes of God” and the special meetings with Henry Mahan from Ashland, KY, something had to change. By the summer and fall of 1974, God had opened our understanding that the Arminian path we had been following most of our lives, did not hold true to God’s Word. It was from these eye opening experiences that we came to understand for the first time the Sovereignty of God. This teaching historically in the church was called Calvinism. It is with this knowledge that 139 members walked away from a Baptist Church to begin a new work, named, Kinsey Drive Baptist Church.
Kinsey Drive Baptist Church started on November 27, 1974. Our first two meetings, November 27, 1974 and December 1, 1974, were held at City Park School. On December 7, 1974 our small congregation had its first meeting in our new home located at 2626 Kinsey Drive S. W. Dalton GA.
It was apparent before leaving the church, basic changes clearly were necessary in how the church would react and conform to the reality that God was sovereign over all things. As a result of the change, we went through a period of about 3 months of unrest within the body. Some wanted to hold onto the Arminian belief that man was in control of his life and decisions, where as, many others had been awaken to the teaching of the Bible that God was in charge of all things.
Because of the continual unrest within the body, it was finally determined, that those who believed that God was Sovereign, would leave the current church and begin a new Sovereign Grace work in Dalton GA. Without a place to meet, we held our first 2 meetings in the auditorium of City Park School.
It was during this two-week period that we were informed by Frank and Catherine Edwards of the possibility of acquiring the building and property of Emanuel Baptist Church. This property was located on Kinsey Drive, hence, the name.
Isaac Adams, Attorney at Law and a founding member of Kinsey Drive Baptist Church, worked to obtain our church charter, and presented it to the body on December 18, 1974 at the organizational meeting of Kinsey Drive Baptist Church. He was also instrumental in helping to acquire additional land adjacent to and behind the current church building.
At this organizational meeting we accomplished a number of things. We adopted the Constitution and By-Laws for the church. After Isaac Adams presented the resolution to purchase the property of Emanuel Baptist Church, the motion was made and carried that we would, in deed, acquire the building and land that was formally known as Emanuel Baptist Church.
Also, the first deacons and officers of the church were elected on December 18,1974. The deacons elected were as follows, F. T. Runyan, Paul Johnson, Albert Lance, Harold McMahan, Rody Whitner, Dick Barton and Fred Ogletree.
Other offices were as follows,
Pastor Dr. Robert L. Mounts
Associate Pastor Rev. Rod Mays
Treasure Fred Ogletree
Church Clerk Harold McMahon
Church Secretary Mary Lou Bennett
As the church grew during this first year other places of service were identified and filled. Some, but not all, of these were as follows,
Sunday School Supernatant Ronnie Boyd
Building and Grounds Herman Caldwell
Assistant Clerk Ron Slack
Budget Committer Ch. Fred Ogletree
Taken from the first newsletter published on February 16, 1975 is part of the Pastor’s Paragraph by Dr. Robert L. Mounts, “The freedom that is in our church is of the Lord. The whole counsel of God is being preached. We do not have to compromise the Gospel.” This exemplifies the beginning attitude of both the pastor and the people of Kinsey Drive in its early days and has continued throughout our history.
On January 8, 1975 a number of other things were taking place. It was decided that 5% of our income would go to missions. It was decided to purchase the land beside and behind the church for additional growth at the cost of $15,000.00.
At the June 4, 1975 Quarterly Business Meeting, the missions committee recommended we contribute $50.00 per month to the support of Mrs. O. B. (Pearl) Patterson of the Source of Light Mission. This was approved and we had our first missionary. During this meeting the Mission Policies of the church were adopted. We also adopted the New Hampshire Confession of Faith as our Statement of Faith.
At the quarterly business meeting held on September 10, 1985 we added Walter Grover, Missionary to Mexico, as our second missionary. As of today we still support Walter Grover as he works with his family in the mountains of Mexico.
In July 1976 the congregation approved the construction of the Fellowship Hall.
At the January 5,1977 Annual Business Mtg. Mr. Isaac Adams, Church Attorney, made the statement, “The church (Kinsey Drive Baptist Church) should recognize that our blessings are totally from God rather than at our hands.”
During the next quarterly business mtg. April 6, 1977 Dr. Robert L. Mounts announced his resignation as pastor of Kinsey Drive Baptist Church. On June 5, 1977 Robert Holbrook was called as our pastor. After serving as pastor for only seven months Robert Holbrook resigned because of family issues and returned to Texas.
On July 2, 1978 Gary Scott was called to lead Kinsey Drive Baptist Church as Pastor. Gary remained our pastor until July 17, 1985 when he resigned in order to take a church in Rochester, NY. Gary’s history with Kinsey Drive Baptist Church does not end at this point because on April 20, 1986 Gary, again, was called to the pastorate of Kinsey Drive Baptist Church. He remained as pastor until 1990.
On August 16, 1990 Ronald Wayne McKinney delighted us by becoming our pastor and is still serving as our pastor as we approach the 40th anniversary of the church.
Kinsey Drive Baptist Church has and always will lead the way in taking the good news of Salvation only found in Jesus Christ to the world. We pray that you would join us in our endeavor to take the message of the blessed hope of Salvation as described in the Reformation of the 16th century as, “Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, and Sola Scriptura,” by grace alone, by faith alone and by Scripture alone. Join with us as we serve God.