Dear Church family of KDBC,
Spurgeon said, “Here let us pause to remember that the reasons for God’s grace to us are far above all human reason, for he himself has told us, “Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Indeed, I will go further than this, and say that, not only are God’s modes of reasoning far above our own, but they often seem as if they were even contradictory to ours. Where we should draw one inference, God draws the very opposite.”
The Deacons and I have conversed about the present situation concerning the Coronavirus spreading in our country and state. The numbers are climbing in terms of those exposed and even the number that have died. Because most of our congregation are the most vulnerable, others travel a greater distance, It is our consensus that we should suspend church attendance for three weeks beginning with Sunday, March 15th till Sunday, April 5th 2020.
We do not live with fear or desperation concerning the present circumstances. Our God is in complete control of every virus that is out there. He has brought this strange providence upon the world for a purpose. One reason I believe is that men might revere God and his sovereign will.
“mercy and the sovereignty of God are the twin pillars of my life. They are the hope of my future, the energy of my service, the center of my theology, the bond of my marriage, the best medicine in all my sicknesses, the remedy of all my discouragement. And when I come to die, these two truths will stand by my bed, and with infinitely strong and infinitely tender hands lift me up to God.” J. Piper
In the bond of the Love of Christ,

PS. Please remember to continue your support while we are not gathering. Send to Pat Caldwell, 103 S. Adelia Dr., Dalton, Ga 30721, 706 217 9029.