Dr. Ronald W. McKinney resides in Dalton with his wife Bonnie McKinney, a High School English teacher at CHS. He has three married daughters, a son, and six grandchildren.
Dr. Ronald W. McKinney has pastored Kinsey Drive Baptist Church for twenty-seven years in Dalton, GA. He and his family moved to Dalton from Dallas, Texas. He graduated from Belhaven University in Jackson, Mississippi with a Bachelor of Arts in Business and Art and a minor in Bible and Greek in 1967. He received a Masters of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary in Clinton, Mississippi in 1974. After Seminary, he was Executive Director for Multi-Communication Ministries, Inc., an international ministry that produced radio and television programs as well as publishing books and periodicals. He served as editor-in-chief of the Sword & Trowel, an international theological journal that had 28,000 subscribers in the US and 48 foreign countries. He has published more than 800 articles and essays.
He has served on the board of directors of Gospel Light Foundation for the Blind, L’Abri Symphony Orchestra (one of the founders), Northwest Georgia Fellowship of Christian Athletes (one of the founders) and To Every Tribe Ministries. He received his Doctor of Ministry in 1990 from the North American School of Theology in Winter Haven, FL. For the past 26 years he has taught on the television program, “Majesty,” broadcast twice a week and on several cable systems in North Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama.